structures > parking-canopy-simple-5m
Parking canopy simple 5m
Attention: Page in preparation. For orders, see.
Perfect for summer in the shade and in winter for protection against frost and hail by protecting any type of car and benefiting from perfect parking.
Total occupancy width 6 meters
Simple 5 meter canopy module with capacity for 2 standard size vehicles.
Total width of the structure of 60 meters. The operating space of each vehicle is 2.5 meters.
The product is approved
The cover is constructed from 7 mm trapezoidal sheet metal.
The sides are finished in U-shaped sheet metal.
For any modification or variation of the measurements, consult.
It is delivered ready to be assembled without knowledge or special tools. They can be perfectly assembled between 2 people. Only preconditioning with soles is required.
Recommendation for the construction of the soles (see attached plan)
1000 mm x 600 mm area
Depth: 1200mm
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